Saturday, January 17, 2015

Creation Moment 1/18/2015 - Something Fishy

"Lateral line:  Many people may not know this, but fish have a “sixth sense.”  Another PhysOrg article describes the “lateral line” in fish, a line of sensors along each flank that detects water flow patterns, allowing them to quickly respond to changes in their environment.  “It is well known that fish respond to changes in their fluid environment,” the article explains.
These include avoiding obstacles,
reducing swimming effort by slaloming between vortices,
or whirlpools,
and tracking changes in water flow left by prey—even without the aid of vision.” 
Geggel says of the fossil fish that it appears to have had this sixth sense: “The incredibly detailed scans show that the fish has sensory line canals on its skull,” she writes.  “Bony fish use these canals, located on the outside of the body, to sense changes in pressure around them and avoid predators.” This means this network of sensors and brain responders were already present in the ancestor, 415 million years ago in evolutionary time.
None of this matters in the evolutionary story, because they have a bigger problem: vertebrate fish exploded onto the scene in the Cambrian, along with almost all the other animal phyla 
 Explain that, Darwin!  (He couldn’t; the Cambrian explosion was one of the biggest objections against his theory, he lamented—and it still is.)" CEH
And God said,
Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life,
Genesis 1:20