Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Creation Moment 1/15/2015 - ZEBRA stripes

"The question of why zebras have stripes has long befuddled scientists. Some studies have suggested
that stripes help zebras control their body heat, escape from predators or avoid bites from disease-carrying flies. Few studies have systematically analyzed these explanations to determine which purpose — or combination of purposes — is the most likely to have driven the evolution of the zebra's unique striped pattern.
Researchers at UCLA found that zebras within this northern region tend to have thicker, more defined stripes than zebras further south. One explanation of these defined northern stripes is that they help cool the animal's body in the heat of the midday sun. The black and white stripes heat at different rates, forming micro spirals of air that behave as small breezes across the zebra's body."

They were designed with a mechanism, including a mathematical formula for micro spirals, for temperature control---a clear cut case of DESIGN....especially when one considers the level of COMPLEXITY within such a system.

And God said,
Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind,
Genesis 1:24