Thursday, December 18, 2014

That $50 bill....

IF there is no God...then you have no meaning, no purpose. Your existence is irrelevant. For if you say your life has meaning to you---you are going to die one day, take an eternal nap in a dust blanket, and within a hundred years no one will be alive who even remembers you. SO WHO CARES WHAT YOU THINK TODAY?

But if there is a higher power (which has the authority of being absolute) who stamps you with meaning---then you have meaning--even if you think you don't. SO THEN AGAIN--WHO CARES WHAT YOU THINK? YOU STILL HAVE MEANING.

Take a $50 bill. . . . . .YOU may not like a $50 bill. You might think it should have no value. You might declare that it is just a scrap of green paper with a picture of President Grant stamped with a number 50 on it. You might deem it unworthy of value for trading  purposes. BUT WHO WOULD CARE WHAT YOU THINK?
A higher power than you (i.e. U.S. government) has deemed it of value.
Some people use their $50 bill wisely,
Some tear it up & throw it away,
Some make foolish investments with it,
Some physically lose it,
Some give it away,
Some spend it on the wrong stuff......

But there is someone who remembers you, centuries after you die, and because of His value He stamps you with, the nap in a dust blanket doesn't have to be eternal.
Someone stamped your life with meaning......:
But he was bruised for our iniquities:
the chastisement of our peace was upon him;
and with his stripes we are healed.
Ye are bought with a price;
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world;
but that the world through him might be saved. 
Isaiah 53:5 --1 Corinthians 7:23--John :17