Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Rise of the Little Horn - Pope Zachary (Zacharias) & Stephen II

2 Popes & their part in the slow rise of the Little Horn power---

I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, ...., behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

Daniel 7:8
"Saint Zacharias, English Zachary   (born , San Severino, duchy of Benevento [Italy]—died March 14/22, 752, Rome; feast day March 15), pope from 741 to 752.

He supported the deposition (751–752) of Childeric III, the last Merovingian king, and authorized the Frankish church to anoint Pippin III the Short as king of the Franks. Zacharias’s action in the transference of the royal crown from the Merovingians to the house of Pippin (Carolingians) began a new era for church and state by establishing the Carolingian-papal alliance, which was to be of the greatest significance in future relations between pope and emperor and was of extreme importance to the theorists and controversialists of the Investiture Controversy (11th and 12th centuries). The latter dispute concerned secular rulers’ right to invest bishops and abbots, which right became one of the paramount aspects in the struggle for power between the papacy and the Holy Roman Empire."
Encyclopedia Britannica

"Zachary's successor, Pope Stephen II, confirmed and anointed Pepin the Short in 754, beginning the Carolingian monarchy." wikipedia