Thursday, December 4, 2014

Papal Notes - "I Give the Orders around Here"

"Pope Francis has displayed a strong hand since he was promoted to the leadership of the Catholic Church. While noted for his compassion, he breaches no nonsense and has had no compunction in dismissing who believes has displayed inappropriate behavior. The Pope has now dismissed the head of his own private army, the Swiss Guard.

At the end of next month, Daniel Anrig will no longer serve as the commandant of the 500-year-old corps. The announcement came in a one-sentence notice in the Vatican's official newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano this week.

According to rumor, Pope Francis found Anrig's manner overly strict and "Teutonic." This would

reflect the Pontiff's decision to make a warmer, more inclusive style of governance.

Pope Francis was reportedly appalled recently to have discovered a Swiss Guard had been standing guard all night after arising that morning from his private apartment.

"Sit down," he told the young guardsman, to which the soldier said: "I can't, it's against orders." The Pope replied: "I give the orders around here," and promptly went off to buy the soldier a hot drink.

The Pope was photographed in October shaking hands with a member of the elite corps, breaking years of protocol which demanded that pontiffs treat the Swiss Guardsmen with aloofness.

Pope Francis reportedly wants the Swiss Guard to be less rigid in its rules, even "less military," according to Il Messagero, a Rome-based daily, in line with the Pope's dislike of security in general.

There is speculation that Anrig may now be replaced by his deputy, Christoph Graf, who is said to have a more paternalistic style of command.

The Swiss Guard was formed in 1506 as a body of mercenary fighters by Pope Julius II. Consisting of around 110 officers and men, the guard is responsible for the Pope's safety and the security of the Vatican in general."

The Pope replied: "I give the orders around here," -Yes U do Francis....but Anrig was just trying to do his job & protect you while keeping his men professional & on top of their game. Now, for popularity, u wanna turn the Swiss Guard into the boy scouts. Good luck if ISIS breeches the walls or security of the Vatican someday....

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18