Monday, December 29, 2014

Papal Notes - Here comes Babylon?

"He has been called the “superman pope”, ... It looks as if he will
give it a go. In 2015, the pope will issue a lengthy message on the subject to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, give an address to the UN general assembly and call a summit of the world’s main religions.....the pope’s wish to directly influence next year’s crucial UN climate meeting in Paris, when countries will try to conclude 20 years of fraught negotiations with a universal commitment to reduce emissions.
“Our academics supported the pope’s initiative to influence next year’s crucial decisions,” Sorondo told Cafod
, the Catholic development agency, at a meeting in London. “The idea is to convene a meeting with leaders of the main religions to make all people aware of the state of our climate and the tragedy of social exclusion.”
In recent months, the pope has argued for a radical new financial and economic system to avoid human inequality and ecological devastation." TheGuardian

Have we not been warning that the GREEN Religion could be used to unite spiritual Babylon & spiritual Egypt (secular world) in cooperating in the mark of the beast? Babylon does it to appease an angry "Father God" & Egypt goes along to appease an angry "mother earth". Remember, Revelation doesn't tell us HOW Babylon gets the world to go along-that it just does. this could be part of the HOW (by setting aside a day to reduce our supposed "carbon footprint" sort of a Sabbath for mother earth)..
..and all the world wondered after the beast. Revelation 13:3
Francis isn't the Little Horn (of Daniel) or the Beast (of Revelation) but he is the head of that entity-Papal Rome