Monday, December 8, 2014

Justification in the Gospels

MATTHEW.......(Justification as it relates to the Sanctification & the Judgment)
But I say unto you,
That every idle word that men shall speak,
they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
For by thy words thou shalt be justified,
and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
Matthew 12:36,37
MARK.......(Purpose for Justification)
They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick:
I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
Mark 2:17
LUKE.......(Purpose for Christ's Birth into this World-was for Justification)
And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem,
whose name was Simeon;
and the same man was just and devout,
waiting for the consolation of Israel:
and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
And he came by the Spirit into the temple:
and when the parents brought in the child Jesus,
Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God,
and said,....For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,
Luke 2:25,2728,30
JOHN.......(Born Again)
Marvel not that I said unto thee,
Ye must be born again.
John 3:7
"In Matthew, justification is correlated with the righteousness of the kingdom, which alone is sufficient to enter it. This righteousness proclaimed by Jesus involves an internalization of the law.

Justification in Mark includes the forgiveness available to sinners as they respond to the messianic invitation to kingdom fellowship and full restoration within Israel.

Luke’s Gospel ..... gratitude, and love to God for this gracious gift.

John’s Gospel views justification, as well as its negative aspect of condemnation, in terms of the Cross—which, with the conviction brought about by the Spirit‑Advocate working through the disciples, brings people to a point of decision......a complete change that it is pictured as a new birth,"
Clinton Wahlen, Ph.D., is an Associate Director of the Biblical Research Institute