Friday, December 12, 2014

IN the NEWS -Christmas Billboard War

"Atheists are bringing their annual war on Christmas to the south, where a new billboard campaign takes direct aim at the Christian holiday.
American Atheists, an activist group based in Cranford, New Jersey, launched numerous billboards Monday featuring a little girl and her mock letter to Santa. It reads, “Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is to skip church! I’m too old for fairy tales.
Even children know churches spew absurdity, which is why they don’t want to attend services. Enjoy the time with your family and friends instead,” American Atheists president David Silverman said in a statement. “Today’s adults have no obligation to pretend to believe the lies their parents believed.” TheBlaze

"After a businessman noticed an atheist group’s billboard in North Carolina encouraging people to
skip church” this holiday season, he decided to post a very public response.
David Johnson — owner of Johnson Nursery in Willard, North Carolina — erected a billboard aimed at reminding people about what Christmas is really all about,...
The billboard features a silhouette version of the nativity, with the words “Merry Christmas” boldly displayed; “Christ” is underlined to place emphasis on the religious nature of the holiday.
We hear holiday this and season that, but rarely Christmas,” Johnson told WECT-TV of his motivation for posting the giant placard.
Johnson said that staffers at his company were so bothered by a billboard funded by American Atheists, a New Jersey-based activist group, that they collected money and each pitched in to pay for the “Merry Christmas” message." TheBlaze

....she had brought forth her firstborn son:
and he called his name JESUS.
Matthew 1:25