Sunday, December 7, 2014

Creation Moment 12/8/2014 - Wormhole Time Travel?

But about that day or hour no one knows,
not even the angels in heaven,
nor the Son, but only the Father.
Matthew 24:36
Wormholes in space time? (Is this how God travels through the mystery of time?) A wormhole is the idea of spacetime being bent around far enough that it reconnects with itself--hence allowing travel through time into the past.
It is also theorized that one can travel faster than light from point A to B via this route (known as the Einstein-Rosen Bridge).

But some problems with this from theorists:
a) The Grandfather paradox---the idea that if one went back in time & killed their grandfather--they would never be born...therefore never be able to go back in time & kill their grandfather in the first place.
b) Where are they now? In other words--if we could travel back into time--our descendents from the future who would eventually figure this out should be here by now. They are not.
c) The Chronology Protection Hypothesis of Stephen Hawking--which he claims the universe will never allow wormholes for travel--thereby protecting the universe for historians.

Whether or not wormholes exist, and are used by God for travel makes no difference for mankind----for mankind has not yet advanced through time to points a & b nor will they be allowed to on their own. Read Revelation.....