Saturday, December 20, 2014

Creation Moment 12/21/2014 - Bill Nye the so-called Science Guy-caught in another LIE

Bill Nye the so-called "Science Guy"-caught in another LIE
"The biggest danger creationism plays, according to Bill Nye the "Science Guy," is that it is raising a generation of children who "can't think" and who "will not be able to participate in the future in same
way" as those who are taught evolution.
Speaking on MidPoint, Nye said he blames an older generation of evangelicals "who have very strong conservative views" and who are "reluctant to let kids learn about evolution." Their presence on school boards leads to debates over curriculum, Nye argued, which further inhibits schools' ability to teach facts.
"Religion is one thing. People get tremendous comfort and community with their religions," Nye said. "But whatever you believe, whatever deity or higher power you might believe in, the Earth is not 6,000 years old."
Nye, who has a new book out titled "Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation," recently participated in a debate with creationist Ken Ham, which some argued was a moment of embarrassment for the science community." HP
1) Yo Bill....first, there is no conflict between science & religion. the conflict is between science & evolution.
2) It is macro-evolution which has held back science...not creationism. As we've pointed out on a former creation moment, that evolution hindered medical research into the purpose of so-called vestigial organs.
3) No one needs to believe in macro-evolution to be a good scientist. We have blogged many times about some on this website. How about John C. Sanford for starters.....
4) Religion isn't about giving comfort--but thanks anyway for your dismissive analysis. Rather, religion is about finding the truth about life 7 it's meaning. purpose, origin & destiny.
5) And no Bill, the earth is not millions of years old. Reasons for that (magnetic field decay rate, Roche limit, etc., have been given on this website.
Hey Bill.....
Thou shalt not bear false witness..... Exodus 20:16