Saturday, December 13, 2014

Creation Moment 12/14/2014 - What Americans really think

"Americans hold diverse ideas about how mankind came into existence, but there’s one key detail that the majority do agree on: that God or another being created humans, according to a new study. In fact, 68 percent of respondents said that they embrace this notion, according to the National Study of Religion and Human
Origins. Digging down a bit deeper into the data, though, there’s a great deal of debate surrounding how people believe the finer details came to fruition,...

Consider that just over half (51 percent) of Americans embrace that the Bible is actually God’s word, with 56 percent contending that Adam and Eve were real people. But these proportions become more complicated as additional details are taken into consideration.

“Thirty-seven percent [of Americans] are creationists, 16 percent are theistic evolutionists, and nine percent are atheistic evolutionists. If we consider only those that are very or absolutely certain of their views this falls to 29 percent, eight percent, and six percent,” .....“This tells us that well over half the population are at least somewhat uncertain about what they believe.”

“Creationists, both Old Earth and Young Earth, should believe that God directly and miraculously created a historical pair of individuals (Adam and Eve) that were the progenitors of the entire human race,” the study read. “If we add in these restrictions about how God created and the historicity of Adam and Eve, we will find that 25 percent of the U.S. population should be considered creationists. Twenty-two percent of the population fit this more restrictive definition and are certain of their views.” TheBlaze
In the beginning God created.....
Genesis 1:1