Sunday, December 14, 2014

Book Review: The Genius Of Ancient Man

(short) Book Review: A book that may be of some interest....
(Review by  Answers in Genesis)

The Genius of Ancient Man
by Don Landis
112 pages Publisher: Master Books

"A research and writing team led by Bible college president Don Landis invested more than two years in development of this richly illustrated, Bible-confirming new book. Landis’ lifelong personal study of the
fascinating subject of the intelligence of early man is readily apparent.
The IQ level required to visualize, engineer and build the many “out of place artifacts” discussed and pictured in this large format book baffles those who are steeped in Darwinian–style explanations of the origin of man, as taught in public schools and the secular media.
Prepare to be exposed to information and photographs you have probably never read or seen before! Thousands of hours of research, trips to numerous sites throughout North and Central America, visits to museums, and meetings with myriad experts in various nations have provided Landis’ team with an overwhelming amount of evidence for the unquestionably high level of intelligence of these early innovators. A jumble of anomalies and magnificent structures continue to confound archaeology and anthropology today, yet as the dots are connected, one finds history as described in the biblical record.

  • Why structures echoing the Tower of Babel have been recreated on almost every continent and major culture
  • What artifacts and archaeology, technology and innovation, really reveal about the origin of mankind
  • Why many biblical symbols (rainbows, human sacrifice, mountains, the Son/ sun worship) were, and continue to be, distorted in pagan religious practices"

  • And God said unto Noah,
    This is the token of the covenant,
    which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.
    Genesis 9:17