Saturday, November 8, 2014

Papal Notes - Catholic Civil War Brewing?

"‘At this very critical moment, there is a strong sense that the church is like a ship without a rudder,’ said a prominent Catholic conservative last week. No big deal, you might think. Opponents of Pope Francis have been casting doubt on his leadership abilities for months — and especially since
October’s Vatican Synod on the Family, at which liberal cardinals pre-emptively announced a softening of the church’s line on homosexuality and second marriages, only to have their proposals torn up by their colleagues.

Cardinal Raymond Burke, prefect of the Apostolic Signatura — that is, president of the Vatican’s supreme court. As it happens, Pope Francis intends to sack Burke, whose habit of dressing up like a Christmas tree at Latin Masses infuriates him.
And thus we have the most senior American cardinal in Rome publicly questioning the stewardship of the Holy Father — possibly with the tacit approval of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

It raises the question: is the Catholic church in the early stages of a civil war between liberals and conservatives, fought not over liturgical niceties (the source of relatively harmless squabbles under John Paul II and Benedict XVI) but fundamental issues of sexual morality?
‘Synod rebuffs Francis on gays,’ reported the media — the last thing the Pope wanted to read.

.....his choice of Kasper was a blunder because the cardinal, in addition to being a genial and distinguished scholar, is leader of a German-led faction that represents, in Catholic terms, the far left of the theological spectrum. In 1993 Kasper, then Bishop of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, co-signed a letter by German bishops demanding that Catholics living ‘in a canonically invalid union’ should be allowed to decide for themselves whether to receive the Eucharist.

Burke has emerged as leader of the traditionalists. ‘He did not want this role but perhaps he sees himself as a St John Fisher figure,’ says one Vatican source, a comparison that casts the successor of Peter in the role of Henry VIII.

What should worry Francis is that moderate conservative Catholics are losing confidence in him. The New York Times columnist Ross Douthat, believes that ‘this pope may be preserved from error only if the church itself resists him’." SpectatorMagazine
Hmmmm.....will Francis lead a leftist Populist Papacy into world popularity and strengthen the beast that way---or will he be overthrown (via internal politics) & his successor in the future lunge the other way?
Either way- a Francis type worldly friendly Eco-Class Warfare Catholicism --OR-- a more reactionary hardline old fashioned Catholicism.... Both can accomplish what it's role is on the pages of prophecy.
....and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3
P.S.--BREAKING NEWS (just before this goes to post)
"American Cardinal Raymond Burke, who championed campaigns to deny Communion to Catholic politicians who support legalized abortion, was removed by Pope Francis from another top Vatican
post on Saturday.
On Saturday he transferred Burke from the Vatican court job to the largely ceremonial post of Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, a charity....
Last month, Burke marshaled conservative criticism against the possibility the Vatican may loosen up rules that ban Communion for divorced, remarried Catholics.
Francis has said that church hierarchy should not focus so much on abortion and same-sex marriage but instead concentrate on making the church a more welcoming place. Meanwhile, Burke has said to a Catholic broadcaster that "we can never talk enough" against abortion and same-sex marriage.
He has also questioned Francis' denunciation of excesses of capitalism." HP

Well, well, well, Francis is lunging to the left...the civil war is on...