Sunday, November 23, 2014

IN the NEWS - Rain Tax the Churches?

....but he taxed the land to give the money according to the commandment of Pharaoh:
2 Kings 23:35

"Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley made national news last year when he fought to pass and signed a tax bill that levied a tax on Marylanders, businesses and churches for the amount of “impervious surface” they have on their property.
Though the O’Malley administration calls it a “fee,” it is commonly called the rain tax throughout the state. It is wildly unpopular and the promise to fight to repeal the tax was a large factor in Maryland electing Republican Larry Hogan governor this month.
Now Prince George’s County is offering a way for churches to avoid paying the tax, which is estimated to be an average of $744 per year for them — preach “green” to their parishioners.
So far 30 pastors have agreed to begin “‘green’ ministries to maintain the improvements at their churches, and to preach environmentally focused sermons to educate their congregations” to avoid being hit with the tax, The Washington Post reports." Frontpage

Pay the RAIN TAX or
Preach the GREEN GOSPEL..... order of the local GOVERNMENT
Gov. Martin O'Malley of Maryland, who implemented
the idiotic "Rain Tax"...also a possible contender for the 
2016 Democrat presidential nomination...Notice he is wearing
his GREEN Ribbon for his GREEN Religion....
 Anthony Brown, the Lt. Gov. under O'Malley who
lost the governor race in this heavy Democrat state
due to the unpopular "Rain Tax"
Larry Hogan, the Republican, captures the governor's chair
of this heavy Democratic state due to running against the "Rain Tax"