Saturday, November 22, 2014

IN the NEWS - Pink Agenda

And likewise also the men,
leaving the natural use of the woman,
 burned in their lust one toward another;
men with men working that which is unseemly, ...
Romans 1:27
"This Saturday evening, Nov. 22, numerous major corporations are participating in a “gala fundraiser” in Boston for the radical LGBT group “Human Rights Campaign” (HRC). Companies such as Staples, CVS, Liberty Mutual Insurance, and Citizens Bank are donating up to $25,000.
What kind of a group is this? This week the founder of HRC– and current Board member – Terrence Bean, 62, was arrested for “third degree sodomy” of a 15-year-old boy, a felony.

HRC uses this money to fund the radical anti-family LGBT movement across America: To push homosexuality into elementary schools, help pass laws across the country to criminalize Christian belief in the workplace, fund the efforts to force “gay marriage” through the federal courts, viciously harass pro-family groups, and much more.

HRC’s founder was also in the news last June. According to news reports, Bean installed a video camera in his own bedroom and recorded his sexual encounters with numerous men that he picked up and brought home.
Sadly, in the homosexual movement this kind of behavior is not unusual or even surprising. Homosexual icons such as Harvey Milk were well known for their sexual liaisons with young teenage boys and their indiscriminate numbers sexual partners.

Citizens Bank – donating $25,000
Chairman and CEO- Bruce Van Saun

Liberty Mutual Insurance – donating: $25,000

Staples – donating $18,000
Chairman and CEO- Ron Sargent

CVS Health – donating $10,000 (A division of CVS pharmacy)
CEO- Larry Merlo

What these corporations are paying for

  • A sophisticated program targeting elementary schools across the country -- to normalize homosexuality and transgenderism in the minds of children. This includes a reading list of “gay family” books for young children.
  • Organizing events in high schools across the country such as national "Coming Out Day” to persuade students to identify as homosexual, bisexual, or transgender.
  • “Training” sessions for teachers across the country to give them techniques to push homosexual and transgender issues in their K-12 classrooms." MR 
     "Get the language and information you need to talk 
    about LGBT family issues with kids in an age appropriate way."
    The above pic & quote appear at the moment on the actual
    website for yes, they ARE targeting CHILDREN