Wednesday, November 19, 2014

IN the NEWS - New Jersey on Death Watch

"The New Jersey state Assembly approved a bill to legalize assisted suicide on Thursday, leaving the matter now in the hands of the Senate and Governor Chris Christie as to whether or not the proposed legislation will become law.
The “Aid in Dying for the Terminally Il Act” cleared the assembly by 41 to 31, which would make provision for doctors to prescribe lethal medication to terminally ill patients. It also exempts physicians from “civil or criminal liability or professional disciplinary action for any action taken in compliance with the provisions of the bill, including person(s) who are present when a qualified terminally ill patient self-administers medication prescribed pursuant to this act.”
Dr. Ana Gomes of Phillipsburg said that most doctors in the state oppose the proposal.
We’re supposed to be one hand to hold and one hand to heal, not one hand to hold and one hand to kill,” she said. “So I really don’t have many counterparts that would advocate for this.”
The legislation comes just days after California native Brittany Maynard took her life in Oregon, urging others to work to pass so-called death with dignity laws across the country."
God on the death of....
The Saints:
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.
Psalm 116:15
The Wicked:
As I live, saith the Lord GOD,
I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked;
Ezekiel 33:11