Thursday, November 20, 2014

IN the NEWS - Moses Movie Debacle?

And Moses said unto the people,
Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD,
which he will shew to you to day:
for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day,
ye shall see them again no more for ever.
Exodus 14:13
"In the wake of the Noah film's failure to resonate with Bible-believing moviegoers, new concerns are being raised about the new movie based in part of the life of Moses, as the so-called "Year of the Bible Movie" enters its final phase.
Part of the concern about EXODUS: Gods and Kings, which releases Dec. 12, is that director Ridley Scott has cast a child in the role of the voice of God. This comes on top of the kerfuffle raised by actor Christian Bale a few weeks ago when he characterized Moses, whom he plays in the film, as both "barbaric" and "schizophrenic."
Now, The Hollywood Reporter has a story featured on The Drudge Report detailing two points of significant concern: Scott reveals that the voice of God is played by a young boy, and a consultant to the film admits "they went off the biblical text" in making EXODUS
"Each new detail on EXODUS diminishes our hopes that the film will resonate with faith and secular audiences alike," said Chris Stone, founder of Faith Driven Consumer and certified brand strategist. "Consumers don't object to filmmakers taking artistic license—they expect that—but they strongly object to deviations that fundamentally undercut the core biblical story and message."
"Using the voice of a child for God the Father is a primary example; it will likely offend millions around the world. It's gross miscasting,..."
"From available media accounts, and what we are being told privately from insiders, EXODUS is on track to be the next Noah. If that is true, it's unfortunate for the audience, the investors and the studio. ... The film's likely performance will leave millions on the table because it is neither true to the letter and spirit of the text." CN
How long will "Christians" keep wasting time & money on Hollywood? They know that they are secular & bigoted towards religion. Of course this movie--like Noah---is going to stray from the Bible & make a mockery of Moses. Just re-read Mr. Bale's view of Moses....
BTW...this isn't about encouraging movie going..rather a review of what's going on in Christendom as they seek the approval of Hollywood for who knows what reason....