Wednesday, November 26, 2014

IN the NEWS - Madagascar Plagues

First, Madagascar was hit this year by one of it's worst plagues of locusts ever...& now this plague:
"Forty people have died from the plague in Madagascar, the World Health Organization said.
The agency said 119 people have been diagnosed with the bacterial disease since August, with two cases found in the densely populated capital, Antananarivo.
The WHO said a national task force has been set up to manage the outbreak.
The plague is a disease carried by rodents and spread by fleas. Humans are most often infected when they are bitten by fleas, causing swelling of the lymph nodes and sometimes pneumonia.
According to health officials, the swollen lymph nodes can be treated with antibiotics but the pneumonia may kill patients within 24 hours." WallStreetJournal
And great earthquakes shall be in divers places,
and pestilences;
Luke 21:11