Saturday, November 22, 2014

IN the NEWS - "Christian" Stampede

Then the LORD said unto me,
The prophets prophesy lies in my name:
I sent them not,
neither have I commanded them,
neither spake unto them:
they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination,
and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.
Jeremiah 14:14
"Eleven people were killed and dozens injured in a stampede at a stadium in Zimbabwe, as thousands of people at a church service tried to leave through the same exit, police said on Friday.
Around 30,000 people packed into a stadium in Kwekwe, 130 miles west of Harare, on Thursday evening to listen to Walter Magaya, a pastor who draws huge crowds, Senior Assistant Commissioner Shadreck Mubaiwa told Reuters.
When the service ended the congregation rushed toward a single exit, in a stampede that killed four people on the spot. Another seven were pronounced dead at a nearby hospital.
"Police tried to rescue people but they were overwhelmed by the crowds. It is unfortunate that people wanted to rush out, which made it difficult to contain the situation," Mubaiwa said." CN

1) What kinda atmosphere is present for a sermon for this to happen? What is this guy preaching & who is he?
2) Christ fed thousands with the fish & loaves, yet I don't remember a stampede-to-death after He spoke....just saying...
SO....a little about who Mr. Magaya is----Apparently is a charismatic/fluff/prosperity style preacher like on American TV- "After receiving the Holy Spirit in 1996, he started Ministry work in line with Preaching and Healing. In 2003 he organised his first All-night prayer, that was when he first witnessed manifestation of different spirits (demons) as Jesus used him to cast out demons
tormenting his people. God moved in a Mighty way that night.
The first notable miracle was that of Mr. Nyandoro in 2013,  who was blind for 3 years had his sight restored by the power of Jesus Christ of Nazareth working through the Man of God Prophet Walter Magaya.  After this miraculous healing Prophet Magaya only shouted  "MBIRI KUNA JESU " as the whole congregation screamed with joy for what the Lord had just done."

Nationalistic Turf Fight- "Magaya was however up in arms with some Zimbabweans and the media who are quick to dismiss and cast aspersions on local prophets but reserved all the admiration for church leaders from countries such as Nigeria and Ghana.
"We got a problem, it’s actually a national crisis in Zimbabwe because people seem to easily accept foreign prophets ahead of their own," he said.
"If you check, for the many years we have been ministering nobody is really finding the good things that is happening to PHD and promote it.
"But if were to make a single mistake, you will find every paper writing about it."
Prophet Magaya said he was, in his own right, a spiritual father to over 100 local and international pastors and prophets but that has never been publicised with the same gusto that is displayed when he falters." NewZimbabwe

Adultery Scandal- "HARARE - Prophet Healing and Deliverance (PHD) Ministries leader Prophet Walter Magaya’s adultery charges have taken a new twist after the woman alleged to be having an illicit affair with the celebrity preacher dispelled the claims.
This comes after Denford Mutashu filed a lawsuit against the popular prophet, demanding $500 000 in adultery damages from Magaya for allegedly having an affair with his wife, Memory Nomsa Ruvazhe.
Mutashu has also filed criminal charges against the prophet, accusing him of bigamy and making death threats against him.
But in a July 30 affidavit seen by the Daily News, Ruvazhe strenuously denies having an affair with Magaya.
She claims that she began having problems with her husband after she visited Magaya’s guest house in Marlborough, where she stayed for three days seeking spiritual guidance and divine healing.
Mutashu claims Ruvazhe was cohabiting with Magaya for the three days and the prophet was having an inappropriate sexual liaison with his wife.
“When I returned from the guest house, I started having problems with my husband with him accusing me of being in love with the prophet,” Ruvazhe said in the affidavit." DailyNews