Sunday, November 2, 2014

Holy-ween over Halloween?

Catholic exorcists call for

 'Holyween' to replace Halloween

Catholic exorcist priests say Halloween tempts people into Satanism and should be replaced by new festival, Holyween, based on the adoration of Christian saints

"Father Aldo Buonaiuto, a Catholic priest who took part in an international conference of exorcists in Rome earlier this week.
“Halloween originates from superstitions that exalt malign spirits and demons. Many people see it as a simple carnival, but it is anything but innocent, it is a subterranean world based on the occult,” he told La Nazione, an Italian newspaper.
“Halloween is the anti-chamber towards something much more disturbing. For devotees of the occult,
October 31 is the satanic new year. It’s a time for luring new converts. And it’s a time when exorcists have to work harder,” said the priest, a member of the Pope John XXIII Association, a Catholic organisation which combats black magic sects in 25 countries around the world.
During the period leading up to Halloween each year, the organisation sees a sharp increase in the number of people calling its free phone number to express concerns about Satanism and the occult.
In response to the growing popularity of Halloween, the association has launched a campaign to replace it with a rival, Christian festival called Holyween.
The idea is to banish pumpkins, plastic skeletons and other Halloween emblems and instead hang up pictures of saints and martyrs.
Churches should hold Masses, prayer vigils and “adorations” in honour of Christian saints in order to combat the malign influence of Halloween, which was an American tradition that had no place in Italy, the priest said.
More than 300 priests trained to perform exorcisms gathered in Rome at the weekend, receiving a personal message from Pope Francis which endorsed their fight against what he called “the Devil’s works”." TheTelegraph
Wherefore come out from among them,
and be ye separate, saith the Lord,
and touch not the unclean thing;
 2 Corinthians 6:17
1) How about breaking clear of the whole thing since it's all rooted in paganism?
2) Christians already have a legitimate holiday on Oct. 31-REFORMATION DAY, but I guess that wouldn't sit well with the Catholic Church-ya know what I mean?