Saturday, November 8, 2014

Creation Moment 11/9/14 - Phylogenetic Tree Problem

"If comparing all possible biological features yields the same tree, then the tree could have some objective reality. Richard Dawkins (2009, pp. 321 ff.) offered what he calls "powerful evidence" for
Common Descent based on the (presumed) existence of a phylogenetic tree. ... An argument for Common Descent would be helped if anatomical data and molecular data would always lead to the same tree. However, the fact is they don't. Phylogenetic trees based on different genes are known to give contradictory results. There was hope that the use of whole genomes, or at least large portions of genomes, for phylogenetic studies would resolve those contradictions, but that only made the problem worse." Lee Spetner, PhD., MIT, The Evolution Revolution p.87
And God said, Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness:
Genesis 1:6