Monday, November 10, 2014

Creation Moment 11/11/2014 -NFL "Evolution" debate

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
Romans 8:7
"Former football great Kurt Warner is catching heat over an analogy he made about the theory of
evolution and the development of NFL quarterbacks during a television appearance on Sunday.
Warner, a Christian, was delivering his “NFL Game Day” segment on the NFL Network when he mixed together evolutionary theory and his take on Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger’s adaptation to NFL defenses, as Deadspin reported.
I’m not fully buying the evolutionary theory where one species transforms into another,” he said. “But if we’re talking about the idea that every species has the ability to adapt over time, well then I’m all in. As a matter of fact, I’ve actually seen this happen in a group I’ve been studying for years: NFL quarterbacks.”
He then proceeded to discuss Roethlisberger’s performance on the field.

Reaction to Warner’s analogy has been swift and tough. Consider one Deadspin commenter who wrote, “People who believe in creationism should just be lined up and shot for being too stupid to live, and too dangerous to have walking around in society.”
Another individual named Rusty Hardin wrote, “Didn’t [K]urt Warner have a ton of concussions in his career? Why do people inject their stupid religious beliefs in their commentary.”
Warner defended his views on Twitter, though, where other critics hit back at him and he responded accordingly. Here are some of his tweets:
Michael @MrMikeMasters   
@kurt13warner evolution is real!! read a book other than your bible you jack###!

Kurt Warner         @kurt13warner Follow
@MrMikeMasters Really? What evidence do u see today of one species becoming another - even so, it was a fun fball piece, RELAX!"