Wednesday, November 12, 2014

ARCHAEOLOGY: Fairbanks Alaska

Therefore is the name of it called Babel;

because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth:
and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

Genesis 11:9
In the story below...when they say "Ice Age", they are really talking about the peoples following the receding post-flood ice sheets across from modern day Russia into North America as they dispersed over the generations from Babel.
"FAIRBANKS—An archaeology team has discovered the ancient burial site of a pair of infants near the Tanana River, a find that researchers say offers a new glimpse into life in Interior Alaska during the Ice Age.
The remains ...represent the youngest human remains ever found in northern North America. The site also gives insight into ancient burial practices, including grave offerings that included decorated stone weapons.
 Potter's team led the dig at a site known as the Upward Sun River, located near the Tanana River
southeast of Fairbanks.
Archaeologists have explored a large sand dune in the area for nearly a decade and previously found the partly cremated remains of a 3-year-old child at the site in 2010. That discovery established a new milestone as the oldest human remains ever found in Alaska.
The infants' burial site was unearthed about 15 inches below the cremated remains below a hearth in the same temporary dwelling, which was likely built from poles and animal hides. The well-preserved bones appear to belong to one child who died soon after birth and another who was stillborn.
All three children at the site appear to have died during the same summer. Potter said the care given to their burials — and the differing practices in each case — offers a rare window into an ancient culture that wasn't preserved through writing.
The infants were buried alongside stone spearheads and darts, which have shafts made of antler handles and decorated with geometric designs. Salmon bones are also prevalent at the site, showing how important the fish were to Ice Age diets in the Interior.
"Every bit of new information we're gathering from Upward Sun and other sites really show a sophisticated subsistence economy," Potter said. "People are really well-adapted to using all the resources that are present." the voice of interior Alaska
P.S.- "Human Remains to Yield DNA?
A local Native Alaskan community, the Healy Lake Tribe, has named the Ice Age child Xaasaa Cheege Ts'eniin, or Upward Sun River Mouth Child, after the native name for the site.
Several native groups are working closely with the archaeologists, and some have expressed interest in comparing their own DNA with that of the child to help paint a clearer picture of the child's ancestry and perhaps of their own.
Already, a preliminary study of the child's teeth suggests he or she is biologically affiliated with both Native Americans and with Northeast Asians." NationalGeographic