Tuesday, November 25, 2014

ARCHAEOLOGY: Arctic Cancer

For we know that the whole creation
groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
Romans 8:22

The Greenland mummies

"The inuit were confirmed to have cancer, while eating a purely native paleo style diet.

The inuit bodies were riddled with carcinoma

The inuit while on their paleo primal diet were found to have extensive bone joint lesions.

The inuit gave birth to children with birth defects while eating paleolithic type diet.

The inuit were found to have given birth to a child with downs syndrome (sloped forehead, demented) while on paleo diet

Inuit bodies were found stricken with perthes disease, a wastage & disintegration of the leg bone (hip), and may have gone limp.

A female inuit, on the inuit traditional primal solution diet, was possibly hit with breast cancer.

The inuit cancer in the woman had metasticized and spread throughout her body in multiple lesions while eating paleo.

All of the inuit person's teeth had fallen out, while eating paleo, and appeared to be infected with gum disease.

While on the meat based paleo diet, they got infected with pinworms - small parasites living in their abdomen, often sourced from ingesting meat.

All of the paleo inuit meat-eaters were infested with head lice - nits. As well as egg-larvae.

Medical evidence now confirms that the inuit got cancer while on a pre-contact primal paleo diet.
"Few hunter-gatherers survive long enough to develop cardiovascular disease or cancer, major causes of mortality in America and Europe today." -(Dunn pp. 223-224)

[In other words, claims of Hunter-Gatherers or the Inuit not getting cancer or heart disease were merely because they were already dead, due to the poor lifespan of Inuit, African Tribes, and Hunter-Gatherers. They had already died from yet another disease before budding cancer tumours could fully manifest, before it metasticized, or they
were already dead potentially from meat parasites, botulism, ecoli, salmonella or bacteria from spoiled decaying meat, or DNA damage from heme iron which is only in meat and heme-iron damages human DNA.Mann writes:

"Occasional writers have claimed that certain primitive populations are "cancer-free" or "heart disease-free," but sound evidence to support such contentions is lacking, and evidence to the contrary has been steadily accumulating."
-(Mann et al., 1962).
In other words, if you see a claim that the Inuit diet is healthy, or that primitive tribes, hunter-gatherers, cavemen, or the Inuit were somehow "amazingly" free of cancer or heart disease, that is false. That claim breaches science. It is fallacious. And the individual making such a claim is either not fully scientifically competent in the subject, or, they are intentionally trying to advance a non-scientific agenda or perhaps some product such as a book or a product such as "fishoil", and making claims that the inuit or primitive populations were healthy in order to promote a diet or product of some sort. If you see any claim that the Inuit or some native tribe did not get cancer or heart disease, it is a known ruse, unscientific, and no matter how convincing they might appear, it has already been proven medically false." Care2

What was man originally given to eat? Not meat.....but...And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.
Genesis 1:29 NKJV
National Geographic--Greenland Mummies, 1985 cover