Monday, October 27, 2014

SDA Issues - The "Adam & Steve" Sermon

Did this really happen at an Adventist event?

To the law and to the testimony:
if they speak not according to this word,
it is because there is no light in them.
Isaiah 8:20
But there were false prophets also among the people,
even as there shall be false teachers among you,
who privily shall bring in damnable heresies,
2 Peter 2:1
"Pacific Union College chaplain and PUC Church associate pastor Jonathan Henderson was the featured speaker at PUC's Fall Revival last week, an annual fall quarter week of spiritual emphasis, focused on relationships. Monday began with Adam and God, and Tuesday followed with Adam and Eve, but on Wednesday, Henderson focused his attention on the issue of homosexuality in a sermon titled "Adam and Steve."
In his presentation, “Adam and Steve,” in front of impressionable students during Week of Prayer, he makes a number of declarations. It’s almost as though he’s in a fist fight with God’s Word insisting on a new and different “truth.” He mocks those who believe in God’s written Word, mocks God, and mocks the sanctity of marriage.

Henderson’s views and teachings are not worthy of being publicly
heard. They are blasphemous and flawed, inserting a non-biblical assumption of sex between Jonathan and David. They are not worthy because they mock the believer who is continually seeking Christ. They lack God’s invitation to the practicing homosexual to repent and surrender, and thus be included among the redeemed, washed, and sanctified such were some of you” (1 Cor. 6:11). 

Don’t just agree with Wayne Blakely or Jonathan Henderson or a film like “Seventh Gay Adventists” that you’ve seen and wept over. Weeping doesn’t make the sin permissible. Weep like Jesus does when He sees His precious children making up their own truths instead of abiding in His truth.

I will close with my recommendation for Jonathan Henderson. Return to the Word of God and study it under the guidance of the Holy Spirit that humbles us to agree with God’s ways, truths and redemptive love. To leadership I say: under prayer, compassion, tenderness, and tears, remove this man from regurgitating rebellion and compromise of God’s Holy Word. God’s young ambassadors need to be armed with a love of the truth that has not changed since the beginning of time. Christianity is not simply a belief system, it is not just a set of propositional truths. Christianity is about choosing to live Godly lives for Christ as a result of a love relationship with Him. It is a combination of divine power and human effort. Surrender is our part."
Wayne Blakely /AdVindicate