Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Papal Notes - Vatican can of worms opened

"Under assault from conservative Catholics, the Vatican backtracked Tuesday on its surprisingly positive assessment of gays and same-sex relationships.
In a report Monday, the Vatican had said that gays and lesbians have "gifts to offer" the Christian community and acknowledged that same-sex couples can give "precious support" to one other.
The statement, an interim report from a closely watched meeting of Catholic clergy here, was widely praised by liberals. It is believed to be the first time the Vatican has said anything positive about gay relationships.
One longtime Vatican journalist called the statement a "pastoral earthquake."
One South African cardinal called Monday's statement, which also included positive language about unmarried couples who cohabitate, "irredeemable."
In response to such reactions, the Vatican backtracked a bit Tuesday. In a statement, it said the report on gays and lesbians was a "working document," not the final word from Rome.
The Vatican also said that it wanted to welcome gays and lesbians in the church, but not create "the impression of a positive evaluation" of same-sex relationships, or, for that matter, of unmarried couples who live together.
But gay rights groups say that's precisely the impression the Vatican gave Monday when it said:
"Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community. Are we capable of welcoming these people, guaranteeing to them a fraternal space in our communities? Often they wish to encounter a church that offers them a welcoming home. Are our communities capable of providing that, accepting and valuing their sexual orientation, without compromising Catholic doctrine on the family and matrimony?"
 Francis preached that laws that do not lead people to Jesus are "dead," and that Christ did "strange things" such as hanging out with sinners and tax collectors." CNN
-----MESSAGE to Vatican----Please read 1 Corinthians 5 & plug in any sexual immorality, then proceed......
1) What "gifts" do gay couples offer?
2) Since when did straight people who cohabitate (fornication) become even an issue up for discussion within Christendom?
3) As for gays, the proper terminology is PREFERNECE...not ORIENTATION as documented on this blog by the science.
4) When Christ "hung" with sinners -- it was to call them to repentance....any call to repentance FROM their SINS in any Vatican rhetoric above? (Nope).
5) As for the "laws" that do not lead people to Christ being "dead"....I assume that within this context he is speaking of Biblical Laws....wow....
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Do not be deceived.
Neither fornicators,
nor idolaters,
nor adulterers,
nor homosexuals,
nor sodomites,.....And such were some of you:
but ye are washed,
but ye are sanctified,
but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, ...
1 Corinthians 6:9,11