Monday, October 13, 2014

Is a Card the Mark of the Beast?

Some people erroneously think that the mark of the beast is a card (like a credit type of card) because of the following verse....
And that no man might buy or sell,
save he that had the mark,
or the name of the beast,
or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:17

Sorry...but a card isn't the mark of the beast....---IF--- some kind of card was given out relating to this would only serve as an enforcement mechanism...but it isn't the mark of the beast...
---Side Note---
"Perhaps more than any other, the Vatican Bank should be expected to maintain the highest of moral standards in the way it conducts its business. However, despite its saintly links, the bank that acts on behalf of the Catholic Church has developed a reputation for corruption, scandal and mismanagement over the last few decades.
However, when Pope Francis began his term as leader of the Catholic Church in early 2013, he made it clear that one of his goals was to reform the way the Vatican Bank is run, bringing about a series of reforms that would restore confidence and trust in the financial arm of the church." WorldFinance