Tuesday, October 7, 2014

IN the NEWS - "TARGET"ing Gays

Below is an example of Target moving beyond advertising to condoning & promoting a lifestyle choice.....And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
John 1:5

Target Releases New Commercial
Featuring Lesbian Women Preparing Room for Baby
"The retail giant Target has released a new promotional advertisement that features two lesbian women who are preparing a room for the arrival of a child.
“Baby Digs: The Magic of Space” was posted to YouTube on October 1st, and has already obtained over 22,000 views—as well as a lot of controversy.
“I’m Amanda, and I’m Cat,” the ad begins. “And we’re having a baby!”
“We don’t know what the gender is yet, but we are really excited to find out,” Cat states.

“I hope that baby has Cat’s talent, and I hope it has [Amanda's] quick wit,” the women remark to each other.
“Amanda’s a writer; I’m a comic book illustrator . . . I think that we hope that we can share our love for science . . . Yeah, we’d love to pass that on to our kids,” the commercial continues.
“We want our child to know that anything is possible, and that there’s also nothing wrong with and everything right with pursuing knowledge and learning about the world,” Amanda says.

Cat then kisses Amanda’s head, and the screen reads “future space wanderer, due Jan. 21.”" ChristianNewsNetwork