Saturday, October 25, 2014

IN the NEWS - EVIL Stalks NYC

Ax Attack Against New York City Cops Was Inspired by Terrorists, Police Say

"A man who attacked New York City police officers with an ax had converted to Islam in recent years and the assault appears to have been a lone wolf terror attack, police said today.
One officer who was struck in the head with the ax by Zale Thompson on Thursday is in critical but stable condition, Police Commissioner William Bratton said. A second officer was also injured.
Thompson, 32, was shot and killed by two other officers as Thompson charged them with the ax, Bratton said.
The commissioner said that Thompson had converted to Islam two years ago.
The ax attack occurred the day after a lone gunman shot and killed a Canadian solider in Ottawa before he was shot dead by the Parliament's sergeant-at-arms.
Miller said the acts of individuals who commit acts of terror on their own "is one of the phenomenon we are facing."ABC

For from within, out of the heart of men, 
proceed evil thoughts, ... murders,
Mark 7:21