Wednesday, October 22, 2014

IN the NEWS - Evil Stalks Canada

Terrorists End Canada's Innocence
We refuse to be silenced': Ontario premier Kathleen Wynne defiant in face of Ottawa shooting
Watch clip below of the attack
"A gunman shot and killed a soldier at a war memorial in Ottawa, then ran into the parliament building where he exchanged gunfire with police.

One gunman has also been killed, but parts of Canada's capital remain on lockdown as police hunt for suspects.
At a press conference, police said the situation was "ongoing" and "fluid".
It came hours after Canada raised its terror threat level, after another soldier was killed on Monday in a hit-and-run attack by a Muslim convert.
The country earlier this month announced plans to join the US-led campaign of air strikes against Islamic State (IS) militants in Iraq.
The latest incident began when soldiers guarding the memorial came under fire on Wednesday morning.
According to Reuters news agency, Prime Minister Stephen Harper was addressing Cabinet at the time.
Mr Harper "is safe and has left Parliament Hill", his director of communications later said.
One gunmen inside the parliament was reportedly shot dead and a second guard wounded, according to local media." BBC

"An unprecedented attack shook Canada on Wednesday as at least one gunman attacked parliament and the country's war memorial in the capital, Ottawa. 
A fundamentally quiet and orderly town, Ottawa rocked by the shooting of a uniformed Canadian soldier as he stood guard over the National War Memorial, located right across the street from Parliament Hill and the prime minister's offices at Langevin Block. 
It was the second attack inside Canada this week. The shootings come just two days after a 25-year-old man described by police as a "radicalized" Muslim drove his car into two Canadian soldiers in a city outside of Montreal, killing one and seriously injuring the other. Martin Couture-Rouleau, the suspect in that incident, was arrested in July while trying to travel to Turkey. Following his rampage, Courture-Rouleau was shot and killed." TheDailyBeast

The car that ran over Canadian soldiers a few days ago

"Buildings on Parliament Hill and many facing the Hill are on lockdown. Reports say the nearby Rideau Centre, Rideau Hall and the U.S. Embassy were also on lockdown.
Ottawa Police stations are closed to the public.
No public services are being offered due to the shootings, until further notice.
All interprovincial bridges in the area of Parliament Hill connecting Ottawa
and Gatineau, are also closed.
Ottawa U remains on lockdown at the downtown campus, and all classes have been cancelled. Students should not atempt to get to the campus.
All high school spots across Ottawa have also been cancelled today.
Ottawa Sun staff are on the scene and providing details via this live blog."

For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders,
Matthew 15:19