Sunday, October 26, 2014

IN the NEWS - Asia Bibi Death Sentence

Remember them that are in bonds,
 as bound with them;
and them which suffer adversity,
Hebrews 13:3
Pakistani court upholds death sentence for
Christian woman accused of insulting Islam
"Asia Bibi was harvesting berries in Pakistan five years ago when she took the drink of water that
could cost her her life.
A Christian in the Muslim-dominated and increasingly intolerant nation, the mother of five was quickly assailed by the other women working the field in a tiny village in the Punjab province. First they said they would not drink from the same water bucket as a Christian. Later, they told police Bibi had insulted the Muslim Prophet Mohammad. The crime, blasphemy, is punishable by death.

Bibi, who denies insulting Mohammad and maintains her co-workers falsely accused her, was convicted in 2010. Last week, despite an international outcry, a court in Lahore upheld the verdict and affirmed the sentence that Bibi be hanged. The 50-year-old has 30 days to appeal to the nation's highest court."FOX