Saturday, October 25, 2014

Creation Moment 10/26/2014 - When Germany Banned Evolution

"Many in Germany recognized the harm of Darwinism, and Nordenskiöld claimed the Prussian Minister of Education, even for a time in 1875 banned, its teaching:
Old Prussian Flag

‘ … the Prussian Minister of Education sent round a circular strictly forbidding the schoolmasters in the country to have anything to do with Darwinism … with a view to protecting schoolchildren from the dangers of the new doctrines.’" AIG
Nordenskiöld, E., The History of Biology, Tudor Publishing Company, New York, p. 522, 1935
An interesting question is,
would the Nazi holocaust have occurred if this ban had remained in effect?
The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the LORD:
Proverbs 15:9