Friday, October 24, 2014

Creation Moment 10/25/2014 - Jubal's oligodendrocytes

"What happens in the brain when you learn a new motor skill? 
“To learn is to myelinate,” Science Magazine says. 
Learning a new skill switches on the production of oligodendrocytes, specialized brain cells that create myelin that sheaths certain neurons.  “The finding advances our understanding of brain plasticity and points to roles for glia and myelin in cognitive function,” Long and Corfas say about the research.
New evidence of myelin’s essential role in learning and retaining new practical skills, such as playing a musical instrument, has been uncovered by UCL research. Myelin is a fatty substance that insulates the brain’s wiring and is a major constituent of ‘white matter’. It is produced by the brain and spinal cord into early adulthood as it is needed for many developmental processes, and although earlier studies of human white matter hinted at its involvement in skill learning, this is the first time it has been confirmed experimentally." CEH
And his brother's name was Jubal:
he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.
Genesis 4:21