Saturday, September 13, 2014

Those 3 pagan days Vs. Christ

I have overcome the world.
John 16:33
The Empty Tomb
Christ was crucified on Friday. To the Romans, it was the day of their god Venus.
This was the god of lust.
Christ was crucified on a cross, the pagan symbol of the sun god & the serpent.
But He showed the world that true love wasn't the lust of sexual love, but rather the agape love of God. And when He hung His head & dies--He had defeated the serpent on his own pole!

In the death, on His Sabbath day He rested in the grave.
To the pagans in Rome, the 7th day was the day of Saturn.
Saturn was called the star of the sun.
But Christ asserted that this was NOT the Saturn's day--but His Sabbath day, as He rested on it as He did at the end of creation week on the 7th day.

The 1st day of the week was the day of the sun to the pagans in Rome. In this day, Lucifer competed with early Christianity via the sun god worship of Mithra, the last pagan religion to sweep the empire.
The sun ruled the pagan zodiac--but Christ rose from the dead-proving that HE ALONE was God.