Monday, September 1, 2014

SDA Issues - 666 & VICARIUS FILII DEI issue

There has been a movement afoot within the church to downplay the connection between VICARIUS FILII DEI & 666. Some within mockingly point out other names, that in Latin, add up to 666. Or in Greek, such as Nero. Or some, go as far as to declare there isn't sufficient proof that the Pope ever wore this name on his tiara.
Who said it has to be worn on his hat in order to apply?

It is a name he goes by--& couple that with the following other clues of the Little Horn/Beast power:
* Comes up among 10 horns after fall of the Roman Empire
* Plucks up 3 of those horns
* Is a Little Horn down to the end of time (The Vatican is an actual Little Horn/nation & a seat at the UN)
* Casts the Sanctuary & Truth down to the ground
* Wear out the saints for 1260 days/years (42 months)
* Receive a deadly wound that would be healed
* Eyes like a man & a mouth & the number of a man (which in his case adds up to 666)
* Speaks Blasphemy (In Scripture-Blasphemy is described as 1) Claiming power to forgive sins 2) Claiming to be God on earth).
* Think to change times & laws (of God)
* The world will wonder after him
-------------Now pause & THINK.....when they mock the SDA traditional belief in what 666 represents, remember, when they mockingly point out that Ronald Reagan's name in Latin, or E.G. White's name in Latin, or Nero's name in the original Greek, & others, add up to 666....just remember--none of them fit the above other criteria--but one does who also goes by VICARIUS FILII DEI --which = 666 in Latin numeric value. Why those like Jon Paulien undermine the traditional view is beyond me...for he has to be aware of these points. So he is without excuse. Actually, we know why they really do it--but we don't need to go there. Let the truth stand on it's own.
As  for those who want to spiritualize with an idealist interpretation, the number 666, (those who claim 666 is a triple 6, meaning that 6 is short of God's good number 7, therefore triple 6 must mean really bad spiritually) allow it to be pointed out. In every Greek manuscript has either the chi xi stigma or hexakosioi hexekonta hex, meaning six hundred & sixty six. The Truth About 666 by Edwin de Kock
Heresy from the June 2002 Sabbath School Lesson "Many suggestions have been made to explain the meaning of 666. Here we must be very careful. The Bible does not say that the number is the added numerical value of the letters of a name. Some see in the meaning of 666 a symbol of humanity separated from God. Humans were created on the sixth day, and the number can stand as a symbol for humanity without divine rest (the seventh day). Humans have claimed ultimate independence from God (the cause of their fall), and even now they do not want to find rest in Christ."
Who exactly in the church is seeing (& teaching) that the number 666 is "a symbol of humanity separated from God." or "a symbol for humanity without divine rest "? John tells us that it is the number of a man---literally. We were warned about this taking place though- "Every wind of doctrine will be blowing. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken and only those things that cannot be shaken will remain." Review & Herald 11/6/1883 E.G.W.

Vicar of Christ:
"A title of the pope implying his supreme and universal primacy, both of honour and of jurisdiction, over the Church of Christ.
In the course of the ages other vicarial designations have been used for the pope, as Vicar of St. Peter and even Vicar of the Apostolic See (Pope Gelasius, I, Ep. vi), but the title Vicar of Christ is more expressive of his supreme headship of the Church on earth, which he bears in virtue of the commission of Christ and with vicarial power derived from Him. Thus, Innocent III appeals for his power to remove bishops to the fact that he is Vicar of Christ (cap. "Inter corporalia", 2, "De trans. ep."). He also declares that Christ has given such power only to His Vicar Peter and his successors (cap. "Quanto", 3, ibid.), and states that it is the Roman Pontiff who is "the successor of Peter and the Vicar of Jesus Christ" (cap. "Licet", 4, ibid.)." CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.  Revelation 13:18 VICARIUS FILII DEI
THE LITERAL MEANINGVICARIUS - substituting for, or in place of 

FILII - means son 

DEI - means GOD


 F  =no value     D=500
I=1I =1
E=no value
I= 1
A=no valueI =1
R=no valueI =1


S=no value


    112 + 53 + 501 = 666