Tuesday, September 2, 2014

IN the NEWS- Is ISIS making the nations angry?

          The Nations were What?
And the nations were angry,
          Then What came about?
and thy wrath is come,
Revelation 11:18

                Is ISIS making the nations angry?

al-Khansaa' Brigade of ISIS female terrorists 

UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, called the extremists' reign of terror "totally unacceptable".

Germany announced it will arm Kurdish fighters battling ISIS extremists in Iraq, the first time it will send weapons into an ongoing conflict since the end of World War II.

Chancellor Angela Merkel defended her government's decision on Monday, calling ISIS a major security threat to Germany and Europe as a whole. NBC

The Australian prime minister, Tony Abbott, has said "extreme force" was justified in battling Islamic State (Isis) militants. TheGuardian

While the pontiff offered his support for stopping ISIS from the continuation of its murderous rampage, he said that the international community — and not one nation alone — should find consensus on how to intervene. TheBlaze
British Prime Minister David Cameron called Monday for a new law to give police the temporary power to seize a passport in case a British citizen is suspected of trying to travel to support ISIS.
"Passports are not an automatic right," he said.
"It's abhorrent that people who declare their allegiance elsewhere are able to return to the United Kingdom and pose a threat to our national security," Cameron told lawmakers.

 Islamic State (IS) recently made revenge threats against China and other countries for seizing "Muslim rights." Since the news broke via Phoenix Weekly, a Hong-Kong based newsmagazine, the article has been widely circulated on Chinese news websites and has gained popularity on social media as well.
China-which receives 10% of its oil imports from Iraq-has expressed growing consternation about the influence Muslim extremists may have in Xinjiang if infiltrated. World
The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is beyond "just a terrorist group" and poses a greater threat than al Qaeda, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Thursday.
"This is beyond anything that we've seen," he said..."This is an organization that has an apocalyptic, end-of-days strategic vision and which will eventually have to be defeated," said Dempsey, who spoke alongside Hagel.
France called for coordinated international action to cut off the Islamic State's access to financial resources amid fears that the Sunni insurgency has become the world's richest jihadist movement.
 Prime Minister Stephen Harper described ISIS's tactics as  "unspeakable barbarism." CBC
On Thursday, 44 peacekeepers from Fiji were captured and 72 others were confined to their bases because of continued fighting in the area, the United Nations said. NYT

Philippine military said that in two places, its soldiers were in a standoff with rebels who had tried to storm their positions the day before. A Philippine military spokesman, Brig. Gen. Domingo Tutaan, said from Manila that after rebels captured the Fijian contingent, they sent two messengers to the peacekeepers with demands that the Filipinos surrender their weapons. The general said the soldiers did not comply, and were prepared to defend their positions,... NYT
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed ‘Caliph’ of the unofficial ‘Islamic State’ has said that India was among many countries in the world where the rights of the Muslims were seized, and has urged all Muslims to fight for their rightful place and dignity.
The inclusion of India in ISIS targets has raised fears... HindustanTimes
 Italy issued a nationwide terror alert despite no imminent threats or specifics about a potential attack on the country and the Vatican, Italy's deputy interior minister Filippo Bubbico said. HNGN
It is not only the people of The Netherlands who are worried. In a letter to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Shimon Samuels of the Simon Wiesenthal Center wrote about the concerns of the wider Jewish community when it sees these racist demonstrations espousing the cause of the so-called “Islamic State” that opposes everything about democracy. DailyBeast
The first delivery of Russian Sukhoi fighter jets arrived in Iraq on Saturday, the country’s Defense Ministry said. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is hoping the jets will make a key difference in the fight against ISIS. QM
Iranians are terrified. Many question Iran’s involvement in Syria, but they support involvement in Iraq. Syria is an optional war: It is not an existential issue. But ISIS activities in Iraq pose a real threat and a genuine sovereignty concern, something Iran hasn’t seen in a long time. TheNationalInterest
The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militant group claimed responsibility in a post on the Internet for capturing a Japanese man in Syria, Kyodo news agency reported on Tuesday.
The Japanese foreign ministry said on Monday Japan was investigating whether one of its citizens had been captured in northern Syria by ISIS fighters,... MiddleEast
Jihadists claiming to be part of ISIS have vowed to invade Spain along with all other “occupied lands” in a video posted on the web. The men say Spain is the land of their forefathers and that they are prepared to die for their nascent Islamic State. ZeroHedge