Wednesday, September 24, 2014

IN the NEWS - Vitriolic HATE of the GREEN Religion

Robert F Kennedy Jr loses his cool and grabs mic from reporter pushing him about his own carbon footprint 

COMMENTARY before the story:
The secular left is calling for using the powers of government to punish differences of opinion.
They have already started by persecuting Christians who won't PARTICIPATE in gay weddings (Colorado, New Mexico, New York, Washington, Oregon).
Now, the GREEN Religion is calling for persecution of those who disagree with their interpretation of data on the environment.
The LESSON here?......picture spiritual Babylon implementing the mark of the beast to appease an angry Father God during natural disasters (by setting aside a counterfeit Sabbath)---joined by those in spiritual Egypt (GREEN Religion's neo-paganism) co-operating in order to set aside a day to reduce our so-called collective carbon footprint so as to appease an angry mother earth.
In other words put people together who think they are doing God's will for real with these angry secular leftists and you can see real persecution like we haven't seen in centuries.

"Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., says he wants a law to punish politicians who dissent from man-made climate change theory - and calls them "contemptible human beings."

Kennedy made the remarks in an interview with Climate Depot at a climate march in New York on Sunday:
Kennedy Jr. accused skeptical politicians of "selling out the public trust."
"Those guys are doing the Koch Brothers bidding and are against all the evidence of the rational mind, saying global warming does not exist. They are contemptible human beings. I wish there were a law you could punish them with. I don't think there is a law that you can punish those politicians under."

And, Kennedy's not the only climate activist who would like to see dissenters jailed.
As the Media Research Center's Business and Media Institute (BMI) chronicled in a May 2014 analysis, pro-climate change theory media and scientists have long promoted the idea of throwing anyone who disagrees with them in jail - even to the point of calling for "climate Nuremberg" trials:
On May 19, 2014 PBS' "Moyers & Company" played a clip of scientist, David Suzuki, calling for politicians skeptical of man-made climate change to "be thrown in the slammer." On day later, a tweet by well-known alarmist Michael Mann suggested that skepticism could be a "crime against humanity."

On March 28, 2014, the popular website Gawker's Adam Weinstein declared "Arrest Climate-Change Deniers." Weinstein explained there was "clear precedent" to "punish the climate-change liars." He was very specific on who should be jailed, as well. Weinstein clarified that the "man on the street" is innocent but just "too stupid." Instead, he focused on "Rush...." and "Americans for Prosperity."

Grist, which has featured major interviews with both former Vice President Al Gore and PBS' Bill Moyers, called for "war crimes trials for climate denying b****ds." He escalated that threat, calling specifically for "some sort of climate Nuremberg." CNSN News
They exchanged the truth about God for a lie,
and worshiped and served created things
 rather than the Creator...
Romans 1:25 NIV
"The gathering at the National Martyrs and Peace Park on the outskirts of the capital, Katmandu, wasn’t some protest to protect the trees from oncoming destruction, but instead an awareness rally celebrating World Environment Day. To accomplish this they set a goal of beating the previous Guinness World Record for number of people tree hugging simultaneously."