Sunday, September 28, 2014

IN the NEWS - Clergy of the Green Religion

 Who changed the truth of God into a lie,
and worshipped and served the creature
more than the Creator,
Romans 1:25

"People’s Climate March recently held in New York City.
Episcopal Church Bishop Marc Andrus at the conclusion of the “People of Faith” service held in conjunction with the march on Sunday, September 21.
Who calls the clouds of Monarch Butterflies to their annual 4,000-mile migration?”
The Earth!”
“Who prompts the Arctic Tern in the air, and the Blue Whale
in the Ocean to make their 12,000-mile migration?”
The Earth!”
“Who starts the 500-mile Serengeti Migration, beginning with 250,000 Zebras, then 1.7 million Wildebeasts, and 400,000 Gazelles?”
The Earth!”
“And who called you to make your journeys, from Vermont, Massachusetts, Maine, California, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island and Everywhere to come to the People’s Climate March?”
The Earth!”
“Then you are the prayer of the Earth, you are her invocation to God!
The Earth and the Cosmos have reached out and called you to make your life a prayer for healing, peace, justice and integrity!”
Seemingly inspired by the language of the Psalmist, Andrus imagines a sentient Earth — rather than the divine creator — calling to animals and activists alike."