Friday, September 26, 2014

Creation Moment 9/27/2014 - Big Bang in "Dust bin" (pun intended)

"A crumbling claim that appeared to reveal the workings of the big bang may instead say more about
how science is done in an age of incessant news coverage. In March, researchers working with a specialized telescope at the South Pole, known as BICEP2, claimed that by studying the afterglow of the big bang—the so-called cosmic microwave background—they had discovered direct evidence that the newborn cosmos had undergone a bizarre exponential growth spurt known as cosmic inflation. Now, researchers from the European Space Agency’s Planck spacecraft have shown that radiation from dust in our galaxy accounts for some, and possibly all, of the BICEP signal." ScienceMagazine
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
John 8:32
Give up on that myth of the big bang.