Thursday, September 25, 2014

Creation Moment 9/26/2014 - Mercury undermining evolutionary cosmology

"Mercury magnetic mystery:  The word “mystery” is front and center in Astrobiology Magazine’s headline, “Mysteries of a magnetic Mercury.”  An embedded video clip about findings from the MESSENGER mission explains how the planet’s molten core is larger than expected: “Many
scientists thought the interior might have cooled to a solid because of the planet’s small size.”  The core inferred from instruments is not only large, extending to 85% of Mercury’s radius, but has unique characteristics:Mercury’s core is different from any other planetary core in the solar system.”  It doesn’t work the same way as Earth’s, either.  As could be expected, though, the NASA site took the opportunity to tease readers about life, even though “Mercury is not a location in the Solar System where life is thought to be possible.”  UCLA’s Hao Cao calls Mercury’s magnetic field “bizarre” and “peculiar.”  His research “implies that planets have multiple ways of generating a magnetic field.”  But with that admission goes hope of identifying a unified model." CEH
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God,
Hebrews 11:3
The UNIQUENESS of each planetary object undermines evolutionary cosmology.
Think about it....UNIQUENESS = DESIGN