Monday, September 15, 2014

Creation Moment 9/16/2014 - Pre-flood Laurasia

"Extinct squirrel-like creatures from China suggest the earliest mammals originated more than 200 million years ago, much earlier than often previously thought, researchers say.

The fossils were discovered in the last three years by private collectors and amateur paleontologists in a Liaoning province cornfield in northeastern China. Liaoning has become famous for the trove of feathered dinosaurs and winged reptiles known as pterosaurs unearthed there over the last decade. The province is also known for a fossil of a baby dinosaur inside a mammal's gut, the first direct proof that mammals dined on dinosaurs.
The newfound fossils are about 160 million years old, dating back to the Triassic Period. Back then, the area was a warm, wet forest populated by dinosaurs, mammals and pterosaurs, all living on the lost supercontinent Laurasia, which once included what are today's northern continents." LiveScience
So are the discoveries, supposedly in this "Laurasia", just evidence of the pre-flood CREATION living together in antediluvian times?
Are these "squirl-like" creatures just that? Creatures like squrils, made that way?
There were giants in the earth in those days;
Genesis 6:4