Tuesday, August 5, 2014

SDA News - Dr. Carson 2016

SDA Ben Carson-----
"Ben Carson, the former neurosurgeon turned conservative sensation, is taking a major step toward a 2016 presidential bid by forming a political action committee and selecting the man who would run his campaign, The Washington Times has learned.
Emerging from two-days of meetings with supporters in Palm Beach, Fla., Dr. Carson told the Times on Friday morning he has selected Houston businessman Terry Giles to be his 2016 campaign chairman should he run and approved the formation of a PAC called One Nation.

Dr. Carson, a popular Washington Times columnist, huddled for two days with about two dozen prominent strategists, potential fund-raisers and supporters in Palm Beach to study all of the “ramifications of a run and make sure all of that is fully understood.”
Among those attending the private meetings were Mr. Giles, TV and radio personality Armstrong Williams, and political email and fund-raising strategist Mike Murray. During the strategy sessions, Dr. Carson asked Mr. Giles, a friend for over two deacdes, to serve as his campaign chairman if he runs.
“Basically if Dr. Carson decides to go forward, I’ve been asked to chair the campaign and make a full commitment during the period of time leading up to a decision and during the election cycle,” Mr. Giles told the Times.

Dr. Carson, for decades one of the world’s premier pediatric neurosurgeons whose work was celebrated in a made-for-TV movie, burst onto the political scene about 18 months ago when he confronted President Obama at a national prayer breakfast ceremony." WashingtonTimes

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD;
Psalm 33:12