Friday, August 1, 2014

SDA Issues - "Kampmeetings" of Kinship

After reading the story below--read 1 Corinthians 5 from Paul. Extrapolate his reaction to the immorality in the Church at Corinth (and his serious reaction to it) and apply it today to what is happening in our church. This is, in the story below, along the lines of Paul's attitude, UNNACCEPTABLE in our church.

"Independent Adventist seminar speaker Herb Montgomery,....has aligned with SDA Kinship, a homosexual organization that, among other activities, holds Kinship Kampmeeting each summer.

Kinship's promotional blurb states that Montgomery's “journey began as a teenager when he discovered a series of 'Bible studies' about the end of the world while rummaging around in his grandmother's attic. Through these lessons, Herb entered what he calls a very fear-based, performance oriented, outward focused, 'legal' religious experience. Two years after this beginning, Herb encountered the teaching of Jesus for the very first time. Today, Herb has little interest in most things religious. He endeavors now to simply be a follower of Jesus. 'It's about a person, not a religion,' Herb says.”

Herb Montgomery
Montgomery spoke at the morning session of Kinship Kampmeeting on July 17 and 18, and at the evening session on Sabbath, July 19. His title for the latter talk was, “A Jew, a Hindu, and a Baptist Minister from the South walk into a Gay Bar.”

Other speakers included Todd Leonard, the senior pastor at Glendale City Church, who delivered the Sabbath morning sermon, and Eliel Cruz, co-founder of the “Intercollegiate Adventist Gay-Straight Alliance Coalition,” one of whose talks was entitled, “Bi the Way.”

Montgomery --at Kinship Kampmeeting: - On the long journey home, I came to the inescapable conclusion that if Jesus were speaking at a Kinship Kampmeeting this past summer, he would have preached,
 “Blessed are those who are gay, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn as result of how they are treated for identifying as lesbian, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the “erased” bisexuals, for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who identify as transgender, who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be filled.
Blessed are those who identify as intersex, yet show mercy to their oppressors, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, regardless of whether they are mostly straight or mostly queer, for they will see God.

The producer of the film “Seventh-Gay Adventist,” Daneen Akers, has listed Herb Montgomery, along with SDA Kinship and Church 1.0 (an independent congregation in San Francisco pastored by Marcos Apolonio) as entities to whom those sympathetic to her cause should donate funds.

The Kinship/Akers/Montgomery approach to homosexuality ..... What is missing from their approach is any acknowledgment that God created us male and female, and that gender confusion and homosexual attraction are not of God's created order, but a result of the Fall, and not God's plan for his children.  There is no recognition that same-sex sexual acts are sinful, and that Jesus in His unbounded love will supply power to live as overcomers.  Jesus would have us become more like Him, rather than being guided by our carnal "feelings," which Satan can sway.

And he re-tweeted this from Eliel Cruz:“I love that a pastor is preaching from a pulpit with a rainbow flag draped over it.” #kmtg14

This weekend, Montgomery is a featured speaker at the Illinois Conference Camp meeting at Camp Akita, which began yesterday evening.  Do the Illinois Conference officers know of Montgomery's doctrinal innovations?  If they know, do they care?
The Seventh-day Adventist Church seems to be entering its own "Judges" phase, where everyone does what is right in his own eyes."
AdVindicate/Wayne Blakely (slightly edited for main points)
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Leviticus 18:22
Or for the hyper-dispensationalists out there.....
And likewise also the men,
leaving the natural use of the woman,
burned in their lust one toward another;
men with men working that which is unseemly,
and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Romans 1:27