Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Papal Notes - Little Horn Throws Down

Well, well, well....the Little Horn throws down the gauntlet to Islam......Interesting....The Little Horn is getting feisty....Little Horn leaps into international crises fray....
Vatican to Muslim Leaders: Condemn
‘Barbaric’ Islamic State or Lose All Credibility

"The Vatican is urging Muslim leaders to denounce the “barbarity” of the Islamic State’s attacks against Christians and other minorities in Iraq, saying their credibility is on the line.
The office said the “unspeakable criminal acts” – the beheading, crucifying and hanging of bodies in public places, the “barbaric practice of infibulation,” the abduction of women and girls as spoils of war, and the destruction of Christian religious symbols – required a “clear and courageous stance on the part of religious leaders, especially Muslims.”
“If not, what credibility will religions, their followers and their leaders have?” the statement warned." TheBlaze

"Through a written statement, the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Inter-religiuos Dialogue calls on all religious leaders, especially Muslims to directly condemn the attacks...........
"The whole world has witnessed with incredulity what is now called the "Restoration of the Caliphate," which had been abolished on October 29, 1923 by Kamal Ataturk, founder of modern Turkey.

Opposition to this "restoration" by the majority of religious institutions and Muslim politicians has not prevented the "Islamic State" jihadists from committing and continuing to commit unspeakable criminal acts.

This Pontifical Council, together with all those engaged in interreligious dialogue, followers of all religions, and all men and women of good will, can only unambiguously denounce and condemn these practices which bring shame on humanity:

-the massacre of people on the sole basis of their religious affiliation;

-the despicable practice of beheading, crucifying and hanging bodies in public places;

-the choice imposed on Christians and Yezidis between conversion to Islam, payment of a tax (jizya) or forced exile;

-the forced expulsion of tens of thousands of people, including children, elderly, pregnant women and the sick;

-the abduction of girls and women belonging to the Yezidi and Christian communities as spoils of war (sabaya);

-the imposition of the barbaric practice of infibulation;

-the destruction of places of worship and Christian and Muslim burial places;

-the forced occupation or desecration of churches and monasteries;

-the removal of crucifixes and other Christian religious symbols as well as those of other religious communities;

-the destruction of a priceless Christian religious and cultural heritage;

-indiscriminate violence aimed at terrorizing people to force them to surrender or flee.

No cause, and certainly no religion, can justify such barbarity.

Let us therefore unite our voices with that of Pope Francis: "May the God of peace stir up in each one of us a genuine desire for dialogue and reconciliation. Violence is never defeated by violence. Violence is defeated by peace.” RomeReports
...and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3