Saturday, August 16, 2014

Papal Notes - Dancing for the "holy father"

"Pope Francis addressed a huge crowd of young people gathered for the 6th Asian Youth Day at the Shrine of the Korean Martyrs at Solmoe on Friday.
During the gathering Pope Francis answered a number of questions from those present, including one from a Korean girl who spoke of the suffering of her nation caused by the separation between North and South.

Dancing for the "holy father"

The text of Pope Francis’ prepared talk follows below:
Dear Young Friends,
“It is good for us to be here!”
Truly it is good for us to be here, together, at this shrine of the Korean Martyrs, in whom the Lord’s glory was revealed at the dawn of the Church’s life in this country. In this great assembly, which brings together young Christians from throughout Asia, we can almost feel the glory of Jesus present in our midst, present in his Church which embraces every nation, language and people, present in the power of his Holy Spirit who makes all things new, young and alive!
The Church is meant to be a seed of unity for the whole human family. In Christ, all nations and peoples are called to a unity which does not destroy diversity but acknowledges, reconciles and enriches it.
We are troubled by the growing gap in our societies between rich and poor. We see signs of an idolatry of wealth, power and pleasure which come at a high cost to human lives.
May Mary, our Mother, watch over you and keep you ever close to Jesus her Son. And from his place in heaven, may Saint John Paul II, who initiated the World Youth Days, always be your guide. With great affection I give you my blessing."
Source: Vatican Radio/Korean Catholic Church
Francis in South Korea in clip below....
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion,
 that they should believe a lie:
2 Thessalonians 2:5