Monday, August 11, 2014

IN the NEWS - Target Sellout

"Target Corp. is adding its name to a legal defense of gay marriage, joining other large companies that are taking a stand, just four years after the retailer came under criticism for supporting a strident opponent of gay unions.
Target said it has signed a court brief backing gay marriage in a pending court case and publicly declared its support of gay marriage, a move similar to those taken by Starbucks, Intel and Apple.
Target has come under fire in the past from gay rights activists who threatened boycotts after the retailer — along with Best Buy and 3M — donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to an organization that supported Republican Tom Emmer, a vocal opponent of gay marriage, in the 2010 Minnesota governor's race.
Target has worked to win back customers in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and has long offered benefits to the gay partners of employees." yahoo

What do U expect? Target isn't about following the Bible.....they are a company of the world & only care about things of the world.
Also, who are they pandering too though? What are they afraid of? Recently a government study came out showing that less than 3% of the nation is actually gay & less than 1% are bi.

This verse is for anyone in Target's leadership who may have had doubts about changing their position on gay marriage---
But if you have doubts about whether or not you should eat something,
you are sinning if you go ahead and do it.
For you are not following your convictions.
If you do anything you believe is not right,
you are sinning.
Romans 14:23 NLT