Friday, August 1, 2014

IN the NEWS - Scabies

Thought to be the oldest reference to the disease scabies mentioned in history is in the Bible.
(Scabies is in the news due to border agents being infected by the mass of illegal immigrants swamping the southern border of the U.S. bringing scabies with them).

When the priest examines the scabies infection, if it does not appear to be deeper than the skin,
but there is no black hair in it, the priest will quarantine the person with the scabies infection for seven days.  On the seventh day the priest will examine the infection again. If the scabies has not spread, there is no yellow hair in it, and it does not appear to be deeper than the skin,  the person must shave the area, without shaving the scabies. The priest will then quarantine that person another seven days.
Leviticus 13:31-33 CEB

"Greek philosopher and naturalist Aristotle reported on "lice" that "escape from little pimples if they are pricked"; scholars believe this was actually a reference to scabies"."Wikipedia

"A border patrol agent was diagnosed with scabies after processing undocumented immigrants in Otay Mesa, California, the agent's union representative said. Ronald Zermeno, health and safety director for the National Border Control Council union, said the agent told him that he observed several people with open sores while screening them in preparation to be released to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Scabies is caused by a mite that burrows into skin and lays eggs, causing an intense itching and rash, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention." NBC
Humanitarian CRISES at southern border of U.S.----created by
certain American politicians who put out word via an executive
"Dream Act" order, that amnesty was on it's way for illegal immigrants.
Also, that the parents of any children in America will be allowed
to come here. Hence, the root cause for the flood of illegal immigrants
flooding the border with children who are placed at risk and dying
in the deserts & rivers to get here.
This is the result of American politicians who are greedy, selfish, corrupt &
immoral who are willing to place these children at risk in return for the hope of
expanding their voting bloc in future elections.
Even if it means in the short run placing their American citizens at risk
from diseases, the financial drain, the influx of competition for jobs,
and not to mention drug cartel gang members mixing in with the crowd.
Then add the corrupt churches involved--for example--without saying any
denominational names, one denomination just received a multi-million
dollar contract from the federal government to house illegal children.
These politicians are encouraging people to break the law--and in the process
are selfishly placing border agents (& other government workers on the border)
at greater risk for diseases.

There are 3 groups in America:
1) The Democrat party in general that
sees more potential voters & their union buddies who see more
possible people to unionize--hence more union dues into union coffers = more
campaign contributions to Democrats.
2) The Republican establishment who are getting lots of money during the primary
season in 2014 from big business & corporations to fight against
challenges from the Tea Party activists. The Chamber of commerce sees
the potential for cheap labor and thereby drive down all wages
over time.
3) Those Americans who understand that SELFISH political nonsense
has betrayed them and also caused this humanitarian crises and
the needless death of children crossing the border.

P.S.-When your own politicians encourage foreigners to
break your own nations laws to get here---there is no more
"rule of law" left in Washington D.C.
"EXCLUSIVE: 'A lot of people die out here' and 'all this on Obama's hands': Shocking images show corpses of illegal immigrants left to die after border crossings

  • Volunteer patrol network in south Texas has found 259 bodies in one county alone,
  • Border Patrol source concedes the agency has no idea how many are perishing between the border
  • and official government checkpoints
  • Filmmaker says he warned Congress in 2007 that children were becoming drug cartels' newest pawns on the border

  • One picture shows a corpse propped up against a tree near his ranch in Brooks County, his eyes missing and dried blood cascading down his shirtless body.
    'This guy, obviously, had to lay down up against that tree, and that's where he died,' Vickers says in interview footage provided exclusively to MailOnline by documentary filmmaker Chris Burgard.

    Died because of the GREED of American Politicians
    looking for more votes, union workers or cheap labor.

    Falcons native to the Rio Grande river valley 'plucked his eyes out before he was dead,' the animal doctor concludes. 'He bled out through his eyes, which tells me that he was probably in a coma but they were eatin' on him before his heart stopped beating.'
    'We find a lot of women,' he said. 'Three of the last ones who have died on my ranch have been women. We found a dead 12-year-old boy on my neighbor's property.'
    Some have the good fortune to find Vickers and his crew.
    'We've rescued some small children, quite a few,' Vickers recalled. 'One boy, 11 years old, was left behind 8 or 9 miles off the highway. He had no idea where he was.' The border volunteers gave him water and arranged for U.S. Border Patrol agents to pick him up.
    'I've seen families out in my front yard under a tree,' he said, 'with little bitty toddlers with them.'
    The group of about 300 amateur patrolmen go out in teams of up to 40 armed men at a time for 4- to 5-day patrols, reporting to Border Patrol agents and Texas Rangers on where the immigrant traffic is heaviest."

    P.S.- All, or at least the majority, of this pain, suffering & death could have been avoided if the greedy, selfish politicians would enforce their own laws on the books. They passed a law less than a decade ago to seal the border with a fence--but they defunded the project so as not to finish it.