Wednesday, August 27, 2014

IN the NEWS - Red Ropes of 21st Century

This is the 21st century---& this is what we, on earth, have been reduced to? Trapped by Red Ropes for safety from epidemics.
I understand why the government did it though--apparently in Africa they have conspiracy theory types too (like what we have via the internet-such as those who fall for 9-11 conspiracies, moon landing conspiracies & aliens--the internet can be a dangerous place filled with people of diseased imaginations getting an audience).

"A red rope guarded by police marks the "quarantine line" around the West Point slum in the Liberian capital Monrovia.
Local residents gather around a very sick Saah Exco, 10,
in a back alley of the West Point slum on Tuesday, August 19.
The boy was one of the patients that was pulled out of a holding center
 for suspected Ebola patients after the facility was overrun and closed
by a mob on August 16. A local clinic then refused to treat Saah,
according to residents, because of the danger of infection.

Beyond it, more than 70,000 people are trapped -- angry, scared and increasingly hungry -- as authorities seek to halt the spread of the deadly Ebola virus.
Since the government designated the slum an Ebola quarantine zone last week, there has been no way out. Stuck without sanitation or running water, and with food supplies for many running low, people fear for their lives.
The quarantine measures were imposed after rioters looted an Ebola treatment center in the slum, claiming the virus was a government hoax.
A nurse at the center told CNN she arrived for her shift that night to find the center destroyed and not a patient to be found." CNN
...and there shall be ....pestilences, divers places.
All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Matthew 24:7,8