Saturday, August 30, 2014

IN the NEWS - Pestilences

...and there shall be ....pestilences, divers places.
All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Matthew 24:7,8

Story 1
UN: Ebola cases could eventually reach 20,000

"The Ebola epidemic in West Africa could infect over 20,000 people and spread to more countries, the U.N. health agency said on Thursday, warning that an international effort costing almost half a billion dollars is needed to overcome the outbreak.

Nigeria reported that a doctor indirectly linked to the Liberian-American who brought the disease to the country had died of Ebola in Port Harcourt, Africa's largest energy hub.
In Britain, drug maker GlaxoSmithKline said an experimental Ebola vaccine is being fast-tracked into human studies and it plans to produce up to 10,000 doses for emergency deployment if the results are good.
"This is a global health security issue," WHO's Assistant Director-General Dr Bruce Aylward told reporters in Geneva.
Aylward said tackling the epidemic would need thousands of local staff and 750 international experts. "It is a big operation. We are talking (about) well over 12,000 people operating over multiple geographies and high-risk circumstances. It is an expensive operation," he said." FOX

Story 2
Unusual respiratory virus strikes metro kids

"KANSAS CITY, Mo. — An unusual respiratory virus is striking children in the metro in big numbers. Children’s Mercy Hospital is hospitalizing 20 to 30 kids a day with the virus.
This one can cause severe breathing trouble. Children’s Mercy has seen more than 300 cases in recent days in kids of all ages.
“To be at winter census is quite unusual in August obviously. To see a virus we’ve not seen before is unusual, too,” said Dr. Mary Anne Jackson....
“The difficulty breathing is a very obvious tip-off sign they need to come into the hospital,” said Dr. Jackson.
There’s no anti-viral medicine for enterovirus 68 and no vaccine."