Friday, August 15, 2014

IN the NEWS - Creeping Secular Nazism in America

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
Romans 8:7

Below is a story of the creeping new Nazism of the secular left in American politics- as freedom of religion is tossed out the window and perversity is trumpeted as a right to be pandered to by all others - even on your own property.
This is just one step from forcing churches to conduct gay weddings within the church.
Will this creeping secular Nazism of placing gay "rights" over constitutional rights only help push spiritual Babylon closer together? Is pushback brewing against spiritual Egypt for openly pushing perversity on the nation?

"A New York farm has been fined $13,000 by the state Division of Human Rights" (a modern American Nazi-like organization) "for declining to host a same-sex ‘wedding’ on their property two years ago, and has been ordered to train their employees to accommodate homosexual ceremonies despite their Christian beliefs.

Administrative Law Judge Migdalia Peres
@ fined Liberty Ridge Farms in Schaghticoke $10,000
@ and ordered that $1,500 each be paid to two lesbians who were turned down by the facility, which also serves as the owners’ home. Liberty Ridge Farms’ owners were
@ also ordered to provide proof that they have trained their employees not to refuse requests from homosexuals.
@ A poster noting that the business is subject to human rights law must also be displayed prominently at the business.

However, owner Robert Gifford told reporters that he believes he has a right to decide how he will operate his business, and that it’s not about the money—it’s about morality." (Sorry Robert-those days of American freedom are over)
I think it’s our right to choose who we market to, like any business,” Robert Gifford told WYNT-TV. “We are a family business and we feel we ought to stay down the family path.”
But Administrative Law Judge Migdalia Peres disagreed, despite the Gifford’s notation that hosting the ceremony would violate their religious beliefs.
“The policy to not allow same-sex marriage ceremonies on Liberty Ridge Farm is a denial of access to a place of public accommodation,” she wrote in her decision.

Peres then fined Liberty Ridge Farms $13,000, citing “the goal of deterrence” for other businesses who might adhere to their convictions and decline to personally 
accommodate same-sex celebrations."
(Using her bench for political activism)

"Jason McGuire, the executive director of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms decried the ruling on Thursday, noting that Liberty Ridge Farms took no issue with serving homosexuals, and only drew the line when the request equated to personal involvement, thus violating the Scripture’s command not to be a partaker in other’s sins.
Anyone, regardless of their sexual orientation, can pick blueberries, ride the trolley, or participate in any of the other opportunities Liberty Ridge Farm provides, but the Giffords drew the line at what they felt was participating in a ‘wedding’ that violated their conscience." (That is totally reasonable & logical).
"For that, they’re paying a price,” he said. “People should not have to violate their religious and moral convictions—especially in their own homes—as the price of doing business. People of faith should not be forced to participate in a same-sex ‘wedding’ when it violates their beliefs.”
McGuire noted that when same-sex “marriage” was legalized in New York in 2011, Christians and others were assured that they were protected under a religious freedom amendment, but now he finds that amendment useless.
When the bill was passed, we were promised that the religious freedom amendment to New York’s same-sex ‘marriage’ legislation would do the job. We were told it would be the strongest in the nation. Our legislators bought the lie and today every New Yorker is living the lie." (WRONG--your legislators didn't buy the lie---they knew what they were doing. They LIED to YOU, the voters for a reason.)
ChristianNewsNetwork in purple & personal commentary in gray

NOTE to Judge Peres:
 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
1st Amendment of U.S. Constitution